Sunday, December 21, 2008

On board Air France to Paris

IMG_0034, originally uploaded by Chimera Magazine Publisher.

A bordo de Air France a Paris
Llegaremos mañana a Paris- son las 18:30 aqui. De Paris viajaremos a nuestro destino: Venecia. Kristal se ve bella. Está exitada y yo tambien. Es su primera vez en Europa. Es la primera vez en Italia para los dos.

El vuelo de aqui es en un Airbus A330. Pudimos cambiar de asientos - nos tenian separados originalmente. En Francia tendremos que tratar de cambiar de asientos tambien.

El servicio y la comida que nos dieron en Air France es absolutamente la mejor que he tenido en todos mis años de viajar. Siempre que tenga lo oportunidad, usaré Air France para viajar.

We will arrive in Paris tomorrow - it is now 18:30 here. From Paris we will travel to our ultimate destination: Venice, Italy. Kristal looks beautiful. She is excited and I am too. It is her first time in Europe. It is the first time in Italy for the two of us.

Our flight is on an Airbus A330. We were able to change seats - we were assigned separate seats originally. We will have to try to change seats in France, too.

The service and food we received from Air France is absolutely the best that I have had in all my years of travel. Every time I get the chance, I will travel on Air France.

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