Thursday, January 18, 2007

Cordoba - short version

Cordoba was the largest city in the world in the 10th century. This picture is at the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos (Alcázar of the Christian Monarchs).

Cordoba era la ciudad mas grande del mundo en el siglo X. Esta foto es del Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos.

Read the Wikipedia entry for Cordoba

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Granada - short version

Granada is home to La Alhambra, the best single site to visit in Spain. This fortress/palace was built by the invading Moors over a millennium ago. The site was built and expanded over hundreds of years. When Spain was reconquered from the Moors, La Alhambra was kept as a national treasure rather than being destroyed. Phil tells me that Napoleon Bonaparte was unable to take this fortress, one of his few failures.

La Alhambra queda en Granada, el mejor lugar turistico para visitar en España. Esta fortaleza/palacio fue construido por los Moros invasores hace mas de un millar de años. La fortaleza original se expandio a travez de cienes de años. Despues de la reconquista, La Alhambra se convirtio en un tesoro nacional en vez de ser destruida. Phil me dice que Napoleón Bonaparte no pudo tomar esta fortaleza, una de sus pocas derrotas.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Valencia short version

Valencia's cathedral is the repository of the Holy Grail (pictured). It's one of many, so you'll have to find out for yourself.
Valencia fue reconquistada por El Cid durante la guerra contra los moros.

La catedral de Valencia tiene el Santo Grial (Sangreal Sagrado). Es uno de muchos, entonces tendra que enterarse usted mismo. Valencia was reconquered by El Cid during the war against the Moors.

Barcelona short version

The Barcelona Cathedral, designed by Gaudi and unfinished at his death, remains unfinished. You can see cranes working on finishing it. They are representative of the cranes all over the city. I liked Barcelona about the same as Madrid. The climate is quite good, with the Mediterranean Sea and the bohemian attitude of its citizenry. Phil liked Madrid a bit better than Barcelona. This is the adopted home of Picasso - his museum lies here.

La Catedral de Barcelona, diseñada por Gaudí, no se habia terminado cuando él murió. Se pueden ver gruas de construccion tratando de terminarla. Estas se pueden ver igualmente en el resto de la ciudad. Barcelona me gusta mas o menos igual que Madrid. El clima es buenisimo - con el Mar Mediterraneo y la forma bohemia de los residentes. A Phil le gusto Madrid un poco mas que Barcelona. Esta es la ciudad adoptiva de Picasso - su museo queda aqui.