Salamanca was one of the best places we visited as far as night life goes. During the day we visited the Universidad de Salamanca, a top world-ranked university. At night, in the rain, we walked around and found El Otro Lado Bar, fashioned after the Star Wars stories. Pictured above is Phil at the sister bar, Rivendell, themed around Lord of the Rings. Rivendell was not as good as EOLB, but it did have more decor.
Nos gusto mucho Salamanca por la noche. En el dia, visitamos la Universidad de Salamanca, que es descatada mundialmente. Esa noche llovio pero encontramos El Otro Lado Bar, basado en las historias de la Guerra de las Galaxias. En la foto esta Phil en el bar hermano del EOLB, Rivendell. Este esta basado en las historias del SeƱor de los Anillos. Nos gusto mas EOLB, pero Rivendell tenia mas decoro.
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